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11 Ginger Snap Cookie Brands, Ranked Worst To Best

Jul 31, 2023

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You may associate ginger cookies with the holidays. However, ginger snaps can be a delightful cookie year-round. They are essentially a thinner and crispier version of a gingerbread cookie that has been baked a bit longer. Not only are ginger snap cookies considered to be a healthier cookie option over many cookies, but they are a decadent and sweet treat with just enough crunch. There are dozens of options out there. So, how do you decide what the best ones are?

You could spend hours of your valuable time reading all the reviews to determine which ones are best. Or you could save time and read our recommendations below. We've done the work for you by looking through the ginger snap cookie brand options and cataloging their traits. This way, you can find the perfect one no matter what makes you a ginger snap fan.

Like your ginger snaps hard and crispy? Or do you prefer them on the chewier side? Do you want something seasoned just with ginger, or are you looking for some molasses, too? Do you need gluten-free? Prefer organic? No matter what you're looking for, we probably have something for you to try.

Nabisco Ginger Snaps may be easy to find, but they're at the bottom of our list for a reason. This brand's ginger snap cookie does not seem to be entirely impressive amongst Amazon customers. The reviews are mixed, but we can't ignore the negative things being said about this cookie. Some customers state that the Nabisco brand of ginger snap cookies is not only way over-priced, but the recipe has also changed for the worse, with one Amazon user saying the cookie's "flavor was non existent and they were too hard."

Nabisco Ginger Snaps are carried in most grocery stores, big box stores, and online retailers. However, that may be the best thing that can be said for these cookies. While they have a flavor, describing it as ginger is debatable. These cookies taste more like sugar than the spicy sweetness you would expect from a ginger snap. Not to mention, they're hard and on the small side compared to other brands. One Amazon reviewer described the cookie as "[tasting] funny." So, if you see these on your next shopping trip, it might be in your best interest to keep walking and go with another cookie instead.

Trader Joe's is a wonderland of products, especially around the holidays, when people are likeliest to search for ginger-flavored cookies. But if you aren't the kind who only wants to enjoy snaps once a year, you can rest easy knowing that Trader Joe's offers its Triple Ginger Snaps year-round. These tiny cookies come in tubs and have crystallized ginger and a pleasant snap, according to reviewers on Influenster. The crystallized ginger gives these cookies a sweeter flavor than traditional varieties.

You can also find these cookies on Amazon, where customers express mixed feelings about them. Many common complaints described the cookies as "expensive," "hard," and "stale." While some positive things are said about the cookie, those sentiments do not align with what we're searching for in a quality ginger snap. Many reviewers shared that the cookies arrived broken or smashed, keeping these rightfully toward the bottom of our list. We love Trader Joe's as much as the next person, but these cookies are better left on the shelves. Even the ones in the store aren't the best ginger snaps on the market. They're especially not worth making a special trip to pick up, so let's move on.

The original Tate's Bake Shop still exists where it was started in Southampton, New York. Of course, you can now find its cookies in most grocery and big box stores. Like most of the other cookies on this list, they're also available on Amazon. Tate's Gingersnap Cookies are limited edition versions that have historically only been available during the winter holidays.

Despite the countless people that drive to the Hamptons to see where it all started, this brand of ginger snap treats received mixed reviews. While the brand promises a mix of ginger, molasses, and crispy texture in each treat, one reviewer called the limited-edition Gingersnap Cookies "regrettable" and said, "they are crispy, but taste more like a mistake" (via Amazon).

Another ginger-heavy option from Tate's, Ginger Zingers, did better with reviewers, but only marginally, and many disapproved of the high price of these cookies. At just under $27 for 4 of Tate's 7-ounce bags, they are quite expensive for a cookie with mixed customer reviews. If you're a fan of the brand, this might be worth checking out, but some reviews complain of their "harder, crisper" texture and larger "ginger chunks." Keep these out of your shopping cart if you're looking for a true, high-quality ginger snap.

The Mi-Del brand of Ginger Snaps Ginger Flavored cookies uses organic flour and cane sugar and comes in regular and gluten-free varieties. Even though the brand has several five-star reviews, we're still going to pass on these cookies. In comparison to the other offerings on this list, the satisfaction isn't there. While a majority of customers raved about the flavor and how the low-caloric cookie is "more than enough to satisfy cravings for sweet things," others were disappointed in the brand (per Amazon).

Some reviewers felt let down by the brand that has been around for quite some time, and several bemoaned a recipe change that left these bland and with subpar ingredients. Instead of actually including ginger and molasses the way they once did, in the current versions of these cookies, "the molasses is gone, replaced with 'organic caramel coloring' (burnt sugar). The ginger is gone, replaced by ginger flavor."

These also miss the mark in the crunchiness category. While some cookies tend to be too soft and others deemed too hard, these registered somewhere in the middle, but not in a good way. As one reviewer on Kroger explains, "they are on the edge between chewy and crunchy ... so neither and both." In other words, this brand of ginger snaps has the texture of a stale ginger snap.

You can find these Pepperidge Farm delightful Gingerman Ginger cookies year-round at most stores, but they get dressed up in red sugar for the holidays instead of the traditional white. They aren't the snappiest ginger snaps, coming in somewhere around a medium firmness. They're undoubtedly ginger-flavored cookies, but ginger snaps, maybe not so much.

While most customers enjoy the ginger flavor of these cookies, they aren't the most intense. So, if you're looking for a cookie with a kick, these will likely leave you wanting. They can also rub some people the wrong way with their sugarcoating. Not everyone likes super-sweet cookies. And while one reviewer pointed out that "the sugar on top is not too sweet but can easily be rubbed off" (per Walmart), as a cookie consumer, you may not be interested in this kind of effort.

These cookies seem to be trying to create the best of both worlds, sprinkling the sugar coating most often associated with soft molasses cookies onto a hard variety of ginger cookies. But these treats may be trying a bit too hard. They fail to deliver as traditional gingerbread men. They're also a little too sweet and not soft enough to be a molasses cookie, but also not firm enough to be truly considered a ginger snap. Considering all this, we couldn't place this one much higher on our list.

Anna's ginger thins are crispy, sweet, and spicy — they are also reminiscent of a homemade cookie. They're a variety you can pick up when traveling through regional airports and a great gift to bring home from your next travel abroad, but you don't have to go that far to get them. They are easy to find in grocery stores, big box stores, and online retailers.

With few exceptions, everyone liked their crispiness and flavor, which places them a bit higher on our list. One Amazon reviewer said the cookies were "thin but jam-packed with ginger flavor." Another said they were very close to the ones a Swedish friend used to make from scratch. And if you're looking for fun ways to use them, one reviewer mentioned they make a lovely addition to tea or "spike into a scoop of ice cream to make it more festive" (via A Billion).

Despite all the satisfied customers, this treat is not entirely reminiscent of a true ginger snap. An Amazon reviewer explained that these cookies seemed to be "missing the real flavor of ginger," and another complained that the ginger taste was "too mild." A lack of ginger flavor seemed to be the overall consensus for these cookies, which is what puts them a little lower on our list.

Stauffer's Ginger Snaps are nearly tied with Anna's ginger thins because of the overall quality. However, these seem to have a slightly more authentic ginger snap flavor, which puts them a step above. Aside from the many customer's complaints about receiving broken cookies, these cookies were just incredibly hard. As we said, the flavor earned them a higher spot on our ranking, but if you can't eat them without putting a lot of effort into the bite, are they worth it?

One Amazon reviewer commented, "These cookies have an outstanding flavor, but they are so crisp that they are difficult to bite and difficult to even break in two." There were also other reviews from customers expressing that these cookies were "old" and a challenge to chew or enjoy. These are a decent option if you have some milk or coffee to soften them, but others balance the hard-soft ratio better and pack a more flavorful punch.

Most Amazon reviewers approved of Sweetzels Ginger Snaps cookies, with many giving the brand a five-star review. And the reason these cookies aren't at the top of the list is because of the texture. While one review described these as "crispy cookies with the perfect amount of spice," others recommended dunking them in coffee or tea to make them a bit softer and not so hard on your teeth. A more creative customer suggested pairing these with pumpkin dip as the perfect way to soften them (via Influenster).

However, a ginger snap cookie should not only be sweet and crispy but able to snap with not too much effort. While many liked that this brand's ginger snaps are thick like a traditional cookie, the thickness makes them hard rather than snappy. And not everyone thought that they had as much flavor as they'd have liked. One complained that "it was not a gingersnap, although it stated it had ginger in the wafer." If you're looking for the best ginger snap cookies, these are close, but they aren't it.

Dewey's Bakery is an East Coast establishment that definitely deserves to be in the top three of this list. They do not have as many mixed reviews as others on our list, with a majority of customers praising the brand, stating that they are "crispy, refreshing, delightful cookies." The brand puts out two different types of gingerbread treats: Triple Ginger and Gingerbread Cookies. Both were rated high on Dewey's own website and on Amazon.

The Triple Ginger cookies are crafted from candied, pureed, and ground ginger. Like many others, one reviewer on the Dewey's site loved them and said, "these super ginger things are jaw-droppingly amazing," and claimed they'd give them 15 stars if they could. In fact, the biggest complaint about these cookies was that "the ginger was too aggressive." The thins also received high ratings, though some found them to be a bit too thin and flimsy for their tastes. Both of these complaints might not be a bad thing according to the negative reviews on some of the other cookie brands that lacked the ginger flavor and were not snappy enough.

While these cookies are certainly delicious and have a great following, they still lack that real ginger snap feel and taste that we are searching for. Don't get us wrong, the quality and taste are there, but something about the cookies leaves us wanting just a little more spice.

The Nyakers Sweet and Spicy Gingersnap Cookies are a hit with reviewers and take number two on this ranking for a few reasons. The Swedish company that makes them has been using the same recipe since 1952, but don't worry, you don't have to go to Sweden to get these — they're available on Amazon, Cost Plus World Market, and The Vermont Country Store, to name just a few U.S. vendors.

While many said buying a tin of these was an annual holiday cookie tradition for the season. What sets these cookies apart from the rest is their reviews are overwhelmed with compliments on their flavor, texture, and packaging. The cookies also have an excellent crispy texture that makes for a perfect, snappy bite every time. Something about this recipe also allows for the best flavor combination of a ginger snap that we've tried so far.

Reviewers from the Vermont Country Store website were nearly all fans, rating these almost a full five stars — they described the cookies as "light and crisp, yet holds up to dunking in hot tea." Another reviewer on Amazon went as far as to claim that these cookies were the "best ginger snaps on the market." While these cookies are delicious and have everything you might want out of a ginger snap, we still couldn't put them in the top spot since they're not widely available at most big box stores and grocery stores. And while they are available to find online, not everyone wants to pay the shipping or wait a few days to get them. If only they were a bit easier to find in person, these might have won the ranking.

Archway's variety of ginger snaps is number two on our list for several reasons. For one, this brand has incredible reviews that remain consistent through the years — on Amazon alone, they have over 14,000 reviews. That number of reviews is hard to ignore, considering how much higher it is compared to other brands that have a few hundred to a few thousand reviews. Not only do they have many reviews, but this brand's satisfaction rating is unlike any most ginger snap cookies we could find.

While there were other brands that took home awards for their cookies, we couldn't bring ourselves to add them to the list because of the price points and lack of accessibility. This is where Archway stands out. The Gingersnap cookies are accessible, priced very reasonably, are made with quality ingredients, have a perfect crispy texture, and have a ginger snap flavor that's hard to beat. So, if you're looking for that perfect ginger snap, look no further.