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TikTok traveller’s ‘inconsiderate’ act on three

May 27, 2023

A woman has sparked debate online after performing an act during a three-hour flight that other travellers considered "selfish" and "rude".

A picture shared to Reddit showed the female passenger painting her nails and waiting for them to dry during the flight.

WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: Passenger throws tantrum over crying baby.

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The Reddit user who posted the photo said the strong smell of nail polish remover filled the cabin and several people asked her to stop, but she did not.

"The flight attendant asked her after four of us asked her to stop and she didn't, because by the time the flight attendant got involved she was doing the top coat," the Reddit user wrote in a thread called "Mildly Infuriating."

Initially the passenger said she did "the British thing" by glaring at the back of the woman's head and "tutting loudly" in the hopes the woman would put the nail polish away.

But eventually the acetone fumes got too much and the passenger asked the flight attendant to intervene.

Other Reddit users were shocked, calling the woman's act "entitled" and "selfish".

"People like this make me realise how overly considerate I am," one person wrote.

"My brain can't comprehend this level of entitlement and selfishness."

"I would literally have snatched that and tossed it in the toilet," another fumed.

"I can't stand the smell of that in a well-ventilated house."

"Happened on a flight I was on; flight attendant came over and shut that down within a minute for degrading the air quality," noted another.

Others wondered if nail polish was even allowed in cabin luggage.

"How is nail polish and nail polish remover allowed on a carry on bag???" wondered one Reddit user.

"Both are highly flammable and both give off ridiculous amounts of fumes."

"I love doing my nails, but I would never do them in such an enclosed space where people can't escape the fumes," one person wrote.

"Holy crap that's rude."

Said another: "I detest the smell of acetone and other chemicals used for the process of finger nail decoration. Headache within seconds."

Other Reddit users didn't see what the problem was.

One said the smell of nail polish was "lovely".

"I didn't see the issue at first ... I think nail varnish smells lovely, I’m just now learning that most people do not share my opinion," one person wrote.

"Wait, why is this bad?" asked another.

"I must be missing something. I can't figure out what this would do to bother people."

"I still don't personally see the big deal, but I’m not particularly sensitive to chemical scents," said a third.

Others shared their own unpleasant experiences with inconsiderate fellow passengers.

"I recall a person in my row who packed a hot meal on a flight that didn't have service," one person wrote.

"Apparently, she cooked it a couple of hours earlier, and then brought it on board in an insulated bag.

"A dish of steaming hot fish.

"It was absolutely nauseating.

"Passengers were groaning and murmuring about it, but everybody was too polite to say anything."

"I flew to Australia, a 16-hour flight," another revealed.

"As we got near the end the woman in front of me started spraying perfume on herself but over her so it would ‘land on her’.

"I leaned forward and asked her to stop spraying me with perfume because I have an allergy that can cause my throat to swell shut and can be kicked off by things like perfume.

"She said no and brought the bottle back up and I asked her again to please go to the bathroom or something but not to spray it so it landed on me.

"She intentionally shot the perfume at me, at my face, so I took it.

"The last 45 min of the flight were fun! I was trying not to choke."

As for the in-flight nail polish user, some Reddit readers had some cheeky thoughts on the matter.

"Casually walk by and bump her chair ‘accidentally’ multiple times," one helpfully suggested.

"Oh man, what a perfect time for insane turbulence," observed another.

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WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: Passenger throws tantrum over crying baby. For more engaging lifestyle content, visit 7Life on Facebook.